
How nice that you are interested in the faces behind T.S.R. Cave ne Cadas! We'd like to introduce ourselves so you know who you're in contact with.


Hey everyone! I’m Esmee, your Chairman for this year at Cave ne Cadas. I’m 20 years old and currently in my 3rd year of the bachelor psychology at Tilburg University. I’ve been riding since I was 8 years old For almost 2 years now, have I been a part of cave and I even have the honor of living at the one and only Casa ne Cadas. This year you’ll most likely find me chatting away at the stables, so don’t hesitate to come say hi! Looking forward to an amazing year together!


Hi everyone! My name is Kelsey, I’m 22 years old and I will be secretary this year. At the moment, I’m studying tourism. I started riding when I was young, and I have been riding for about 14 years now. I’ve been a member of Cave ne Cadas for almost three years now, and I’m very happy I decided to become a member! For the last two years, I’ve been a member of the SOcie, which was a nice opportunity since I love to organise things. I hope we will all have an amazing year at Cave, and hope we get to welcome some great new people within the association as well!


Hi everyone! My name is Bianca and this year I joined the board of Cave ne Cadas as Treasurer. I am 20 years old and I came from Romania to pursue the BSc Econometrics and Operations Research in Tilburg. I’m passionate about horse-riding, which I started doing one year ago when I joined Cave, and so far my experience as a beginner has been great! This year I will also join my first committee, the Weekendcie! Besides horses, I also love reading and spending time in nature. I am very excited for what this year will bring and looking forward to make the best of it together with my fellow board members!

PR functionary

Hey everyone! I’m Laura Johanna and I am excited to start the year as a Public Relations Manager of CnC. I’m 23 and I come from Estonia. I started riding horses 2 years ago with Cave. Ever since then I’ve been dreaming and breathing horses … So much that I decided to switch from Psychology in TiU to Equine Sports and Business in Arnhem. Besides horses, I love an active lifestyle: I run, go to the gym and do yoga. I can’t wait to apply my creative side as a PR, and offer you an amazing year with the rest of the board.